Brian's Waterbottle

Chapter Juan: The Awakening

Brian was packing up for a field trip to Asia with his Elementary School. Brian packed his rice, eggs, cats, dogs, Nintendo consoles, Soy Sauce, more rice, and various other travel items essential for his survival/Asian Persuasion. His mom drove him to school, yelling at Brian for getting an A- in Science class at the same time. Brian arrived at school and proceeded to walk to his class. One of his arch enemies, Juan Pedro Espanolazo, confronts him and asks him to hand over his Red Envelope. Brian, petrified, tries to handle the situation professionally. He tries his first tactic to avoid Juan. "AU LAO JI DU HAI FU KA YU!" he yells, trying to simmer down the commotion. Juan falcon punches Brian in the stomach, causing him to vomit on Juan's sweaty undershirt. "PORQUE ESPANAZ QUESADILLA." Juan screams in humiliation. Suddenly, a horde of Mexico PD patrol cars shows up at the school. "TACO POLICIA!" Juan yells as he runs and jumps the border to Mexico. Brian wins this round. Brian walks to his homeroom, nervous about the field trip. 5 minutes pass. Brian still thinking about what he anticipates to see in China. "I'm probably gonna see my old Panda Express restaurant n shit." Brian says to himself. The buses arrive and all the kids rush out of the door. "YOU LITTLE SHITS BETTER SLOW THE FUCK DOWN" Ms.Sagtit demands. "Hey shut the fuck up you little but0!". Brian spectates the fight going on between the random mexican kid and the teacher. He casually walks down the stairs to the buses. As he waits, he finds a vendor selling Chinese Imported goods. Brian takes a look at some nifty cheap keyboards with rap lyrics on the back for 50 cents. Next to the keyboards are two pocks. Interfering with his OCD, Brian walks away from the vendor. "JU SAI LI HAO BUONG PHO LAI HO!" the vendor pleads. Brian ignores him. He boards onto the bus and sits down in the very back. Seconds later, four citizens of African origin appear and sit down in the same spot. "Yo nihguh wanna trade Pokemon?" the African American man asks him. Terrified once again, Brian retreats to the front seat. "Inconsiderate nihguh don' wan' a mo' fuckin' Delphox. Mo' fucka'.". The bus begins to move, and forgets Ms.Sagtit. Brian is on his way home.